Perhaps you turned on your television and saw this yesterday:
photo credit : USA Today
You may have assumed that either a) you were watching a rugby game, circa 1940, or b) something catastrophic had happened to the color resolution of your screen. Rest assured, it was just the Steelers’ version of the recently popular “throwback” jersey: a jersey from an earlier era in the team’s history worn once a season to pay homage to days gone by.
However in the Steelers case on Sunday, it was more a case of days gone awry.
Oh my land, oh my word, oh my eyes. The horror.
I originally thought that the Bucs creamsicle throwbacks were the worst in the NFL.
photo credit : ESPN
But then the Broncos showcased their ode to the days of yore, and that was clearly worse.
photo credit : boldpost
And yet, somehow, the Steelers eclipsed the barrier for bad. I mean, the socks are bad enough. Adding a jersey to the equation takes it to a whole new level. These were just visually scarring.
photo credit : USA Today
For a complete dissertation on the Steelers throwbacks, see this Uni Watch article.
But for a short dissertation: